Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I love Thanksgiving.  I remember many Thanksgivings growing up.  We would have dinner with my extended family, aunts, uncles and grandparents.  The times we would have it at our house were the best times I remember.  My grandma and grandpa (my dads parents) would both come.  They had been separated for years but they would try their hardest to be civil and have a meal together for the family's sake.  Sometimes I thought I could still see a little flirtatious behavior between them, and perhaps just a bit of spark.  Then my grandma would say something nasty to my grandpa and the moment was over.

My grandma was such a spitfire!  I think I get a lot of who I am from her. She was tough, strong, very opinionated and outspoken.  You always knew what she was thinking or feeling!  Not one year goes by when I don't wish she was there to spend the holidays with me again.  She was so much fun to be around and we had a relationship unlike any other I've ever had in my family before.  Miss you grandma. I think of you all the time.

This year we had Thanksgiving at home, just Marcus and I and the kids.  It was a nice dinner.  Too much food like usual, and I must say that after spending most of the day cooking, everyone eats so quickly and then boom, it's over! A lot of effort goes into it, and it seems like such a short amount of time is spent enjoying it.  I know that it does leave a lot of good memories though.  I'm glad the kids will grow up having memories of times like it.

I thought I would share some photos of the mess that was made:

I could have swore that there was a rule out there that says "she that doeseth the baking, shall not doeth the cleaning".  Unfortunately upon much effort browsing the internet, I was unable to locate it in time. :) I will be more prepared next year!

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