Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Fun!

What a busy busy day! Whew. Yes, I am happy to say we survived - barely.  Christmas was so much fun this year, not just for the kids, but for all of us really.

On Christmas Eve the kids got a knock at the door and were each left a large bag from Jolly the Head Elf.  In the bag a new pair of matching pajamas, a teddy bear and a Christmas blankie.  Then Rhiannon stopped by to give her boys bathrobes. Marcus and I gave Kayden and Ambria bathrobes as well.  The kids were pretty wound up and super excited, but finally settled down watching a movie and got ready for bed.

Before I tucked Kayden in he told me this "Mom, I need you to write a letter and leave it by the fire place ok?"  I agreed to write the letter and this is what he told me I should say "Dear Santa, You are an awesome guy.  Thank you so much for all of the presents. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.  Love, Kayden".  I thought that was super thoughtful of him.

The house was dark and quite....

and then the fun began:

Surprisingly the kids slept until nearly 7:30am.  
They seemed a bit tired as they waited to go downstairs and see if Santa had come....

That tiredness vanished once they saw the presents, and then the chaos began!

Rhiannon even wanted to be in the middle of all of the action....
I'm glad she's a morning person, because I am not

Piece by piece the house was torn to shreds

Then Kayden and Ambria were off to see their dads.
I think Kayden was overwhelmed to learn he had EVEN MORE presents... 

Don't worry, with a little help I eventually got the house back to normal

All in all it was a fantastic day! I hope everyone had a 
very Merry Christmas too!

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