Friday, November 11, 2011

Good News!

Yesterday I got some really good news I thought I would share.  I've been working a temporary job at Fidelity Investments (for a girl on maternity leave) for just over 3 months now.  This job is due to come to an end on December 2nd. I've gotten myself to a place where I really am enjoying the company and the people I work with, so I was a bit sad that the end was near.   I have been job searching for some time for options after this one ends.  I've been interviewing and working with recruiters to find another job, but after nothing has come through I decided that I would take a few months off and just stay home.  Although I was actually looking forward to a bit of time off, I was still stressing about what I was going to do when I was ready to go back to work. I'd have to start all over, in a new role, at a new company, and go through the dreadful interview process again.  It just really didn't sound fun.  So needless to say, yesterday came as a good surprise. :)

One of the guys I work for asked if I would give him a call to discuss a potential opportunity he had found for me.  At one of their management meetings this week the managers expressed frustration over the fact they do not get any administrative support and are in need of some extra help.  He told me that they had been impressed with my work, and that they were creating a new position that they felt I would be perfect for. Not only were they creating this position, but they would be willing to hold it and not fill it until I was ready to return to work after the baby was born.  This new role also allows me to work from home 2 days a week as well giving me more time with my kids and less time in the car. He wanted me to think it over for a bit and get back to him with my thoughts. I couldn't stop smiling. I can't tell you how good that made me feel.  It's strange how things can really turn around so quickly.  I feel great about this new role.  I know I love the company and I work well with the people here.  I am excited that I will have the option for tuition reimbursement through work allowing me to continue my education.  I really feel like it just filled a big gap I've been dreading for a long time. 

I absolutely love this time of year and all the fun things it brings. I've always been big on family traditions and keeping the holiday spirit alive. When I had children of my own it was like the Holidays became magical again and I absolutely loved it!  Lately there have been some hard things happening in my life in respect to my parents and family. Current things and things that have happened over years and years that I am working hard to overcome. I'm trying to stay positive as best as I can.  The opportunity at work has definitely helped. I think it was just the boost I needed to set me on the right track.  I am so blessed to have what I do in my life.  I have beautiful, healthy children, a fantastic boyfriend who does so much, a beautiful home, a good paying job, a chance to further my education, the list could go on and on.  There really isn't much I could ask for that I don't already have.

Sometimes in our lives we have to get to a point that we accept the fact that there are people; who no matter what you do or how hard you try, won't ever change. And although it is hard to accept, we must be grateful for what we do have and life must go on. Sometimes when I get down I think I just need to sit back and remember that I do have people in my life that care and are there for me whenever I need them. All I can do is strive to be the best me possible, and not let others get me down. Life is too short to not be happy and smile. :)

Happy Holidays everyone and god bless. 

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! Congrats on the new position, I'm so glad you have the peace of mind knowing the job is waiting for you after you have your baby.
