Friday, September 9, 2011

Baby Update

Well, I'm nearly 20 weeks along now, and for the most part feeling pretty good. My belly has finally popped out and I think I'm starting to really look pregnant (and not like I ate one too many cream filled doughnuts)! I can no longer button my jeans, and have begun to wear the lovely selection of maternity clothes I own (which is not much). I notice people stopping to take a double look at me, pausing with perhaps the thought of asking me if I'm expecting, but deciding not to in case I'm truly not expecting and going to be massively offended at the fact they notice the pudge around my waistline!

Monday we have an appointment at the radiology department in the hospital to do an in depth 20 week scan of our little guy.  I'm excited to see how big he is now.  This scan is actually really cool.  You get to see the baby in 3D and sometimes you can even make out some of their facial features.  I'm hoping they send me home with some photos so I can post them.

I was thinking today that it is kinda fun that Marcus and both of his brothers are all 3 having babies at the same time, literally within a couple of months of each other.  I'd like to take a trip to the UK soon after all of the new babies are born.  I'd really like our son to experience the other half of his world too, not just America.  How neat for him to have parents from different countries and have the opportunity to experience life and the culture of both places.

A year ago I really didn't imagine myself ever having another baby. I was pretty sure I was done. Getting pregnant for the first time at 20 and now again nearly 10 years later is quite the gap - very different experiences at very different points in my life.  I'm really thinking this is it! I know I've said that before, and I know how much I enjoy being pregnant, but I am getting too old to have babies!  I guess I should do my best to enjoy these last 20 weeks of this pregnancy because this is something I may never experience again.  I still can't wait until he gets here and I can love and cuddle him. :) (how's that for cheese marcus?)

Happy Friday y'all!

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