Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Well now, it is official.  I SUCK at blogging! Jeepers, how long have I gone without giving y'all an update! That is not very nice of me.  Alright, here it goes.

Liam is now almost 4 months old.  He is cute as can be, and getting chunky.  I am really enjoying watching his cute little personality develop.  He giggles, and smiles and makes the cutest noises ever.  I don't think I could love that kid anymore than I already do.  Have I mentioned lately what a cute daddy Marcus is?  Every time he is around Liam his face lights up.  Although when he talks to him he does sound a little girly but hey, Liam likes the high pitch voices so it works. Sorry babe.

As for the rest of the brood, they are all well.  Kayden is preparing for Kindergarten and getting excited.  He has some massive dental work on Thursday to fix 8, yes that is what I said, 8 cavities.  They actually are putting him under to do the work.  I am a nervous wreck but his dad has agreed to be in the room when they do the IV sedation so I don't end up on the floor once again.

Ambria, well she is still moody as ever.  Every day is the worst day ever, and then out of the blue she is happy.  I can't keep up with the emotions now, so I am already dreading the teenage years ahead!  I would just like to thank whoever it was, that we only have one girl. :)  She has decided it would be a good idea to go to 4th grade at her dad's house.  So for the first time in 9 years she won't be living with me full time starting this August.  I have mixed emotions about this.  I think on one hand it is a good idea for her to make decisions on her own and realize they have consequences.  I'm not sure she knows and understands completely what this change means, but I am holding her to it - for a full entire year. I don't want her to be a quitter and I feel like when things don't go her way, she quits, goes the other way.  Yet, on the other hand I am gutted that I won't see her negative bum every day.  She's a big girl now, and with that I will do my best to let her choose as long as I feel it is in her best interest and she won't suffer in any way. Luckily Chris is a fantastic dad and I know she will be just fine.  Whew. That is hard one. (teary eyed)

Let's see, Cy, his reading is coming on great.  I am so incredibly impressed with how much he has "grown up" over the past year.  I think the fact he has an older "half" sibling (Ambria) has helped him massively.  He is so kind, and helpful and thoughtful.  Also, the kid is amazing at art! He comes up with the cutest things. I come home to all sorts of fun concoctions! I think if he stays on task and focuses, he's going to go places just like his daddy.

Who's next.  Seth.  Seth oh Seth.  It depends on the day with this boy.  One day I want to scoop him up and love him, and the next day I want to hang him from a tree!  He has two extremes.  FABULOUS and NOT FABULOUS!  The other day I had to chase him around the house with our poor nanny to try and tackle him to put his shoes on for school.  We eventually gave up.  Then he decided to hide and boy is he a good hider.  When I couldn't find him his mother had to come to the rescue while I dropped the other two kids off to school late.  Eventually he apologized and all was well but that cheeky smile...oooooo it gets me every time! I'm going to work on him!

Last but not least Josh, "I want my dummy Josh".  I hate that dummy.  Yes, I will say it, out loud and public. I HATE THE DUMMY!  Dummy in American means something completely different.  He is much too old for the damn thing.  Our nanny's mother met Josh the other day.  She told him that he should tie his dummy to a balloon and fly it to Disneyland for another baby to use - very clever indeed!  Unfortunately josh didn't concur. Bummer.  Eventually, the thing will go and we will be able to understand him when he talks.  As far as his overbite, unfortunately we will need to spend thousands of dollars on braces.  :) Life goes on.  He is a major pain at times, but he is still cute as a button.

Marcus - well he is busy....SURPRISE! He works, and works, and on occasion sleeps.  Takes care of me and kids and everything else.  He never stops.  We are working on that though (don't worry Helen).  We still have our issues but I must say at the end of the day I couldn't think of a better person to spend my life with.  Nothing goes unnoticed Marcus....I promise.  I notice EVERY little thing you do for me, and for the kids.  You are amazing and I love you to pieces.  You can thank your mother for raising you so selflessly. ;)

Me.  I quit work, and am going back to school full time.  Nervous as hell but excited in the same. Friday is my last day working.  Wow, I am a student, and that is it - well a mom too...tee hee (sometimes I try to forget, but it creeps up on me, weird).  I am ready to buckle down, focus and get this degree under my belt. As Marcus says "tick the box in my head".  Then, I think I might run for president. :)

There you have it.  All good and dandy, life is great, can't complain!

Happy Spring Y'all!

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