Friday, March 23, 2012

Hair, Hair, and MORE HAIR!

Every year or so - sometimes I make it a couple of years - I decide I need a change with my hair.  I get bored of the same length, or the same color, so I decide I need to switch it up a bit.  Last time I added a bunch of blonde, which didn't last long - something with me and blonde don't mix so well.  This time, when we were in Spain, I decided to chop off about 3 inches.  The photo below is before the 3 inches came off, so you can imagine how short it was after.  Although it felt much healthier, I wasn't digging it much at all. It was actually quite sad.

As the weeks went by I started feeling a bit bald.  My hair is already super thin, so having it short and thin made it feel thinner, if that is possible (which it is tee hee).  I'm a total hair person, so feeling bald equals feeling depressed.  So I thought really hard (for all of 30 seconds) and jumped online and ordered some hair to fix the problem! It only took the best of two entire days to put it in, and with the help of my lovely assistant Rico Suave, we came out with this new head full of long hair:

Ta da!

and the back.....

You like? I like, and Marcus loves. :) Yay! Happy Erika.

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